Understanding Your Right to Remain Silent

Oct 10, 2022

Understanding Your Right to Remain Silent

When facing law enforcement after being pulled over or approached on the street, you may not be sure how to proceed. This is further complicated if you find yourself detained – or even worse, placed under arrest.

In proper due process, you should be read your Miranda Warning when placed under arrest. This is when you are informed that “you have the right to remain silent.”

Did you know that you can also exercise this right in many cases before being arrested? This post will explain everything you need to know about what your right to remain silent entails, when you may be required to speak, and when to seek out a Lakewood, CO attorney for help.

When to Stop Talking (Hint: Right Now)

In almost every scenario, you can choose to remain silent whenever you are questioned by law enforcement. This holds true whether you have been read your Miranda Warning or not. This is part of the Miranda Rights, which were established by Miranda v. Arizona in 1966.

Assuming you can only elect to remain silent after an arrest is a mistake many people make in initial police interactions. In fact, you do not have to answer questions while you are detained either.

To better understand why this is the case, you should also know the difference between being arrested and being detained.

  • Arrested means you are restricted from your freedom of movement. This is usually enforced through being handcuffed and taken to the police station for processing.
  • Detained means you are temporarily held and in custody for a short amount of time. Detention is warranted if police suspect you of criminal activity or if you may have information about a crime.

In either case, you are still legally entitled to exercise your right to remain silent. Whether you're simply being informally spoken to by a police officer or under controlled interrogations, silence is still within your legal rights.

The Right Way to Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent

During any encounter with law enforcement, it is advisable to proceed with caution and respect. This holds true despite any personal feelings or sentiments you may hold about police – or whether you feel the stop was justified.

The same concept of caution and respect carries over into the exercising of your right to remain silent. There is, in fact, a right and wrong way to exercise this right.

Wrong Way: *No Talking*, *Shutting Down and Refusing to Interact*, *Anger and Hostility and Vitriolic Words*

Expressing frustration or hostility toward any law enforcement will likely escalate the situation. Remember the human element of police officers. Like you, they likely do not prefer to interact with people who are rude or openly hostile to them.

Similarly, just shutting your mouth and refusing to acknowledge anything an officer says to you is not the right course of action. An officer may not be able to confirm that you understand a command or recognize whether you’re being detained or arrested. And complete, total silence does not always communicate that you do want to express your right to stay quiet.

Right Way: *Slow, Clear Movements*, *Showing Your Hands*, *Expressing Your Intentions*, *Remaining Calm*

Initially, you may want to determine an officer's intentions. Does law enforcement have a reason beyond a stop to detain you? And if so, what is the reason?

You can learn this information by remaining calm and polite and asking simple questions such as “Am I free to go?” or “Am I being detained?” This does not mean shouting “AM I BEING DETAINED?!” over and over again like you may have seen other people do.

Any police encounter is an understandably stressful experience. But remember to do your best and stay calm. Make sure your hands are visible and make no sudden movements. Follow an officer’s commands to provide vehicle and/or licensing information.

If you are being detained, clearly communicate that you wish to remain silent:

  • “I am going to remain silent”
  • “I am exercising my right to remain silent”
  • “I want to remain silent”

Keep this phrase clear, straightforward, and unmistakable about your intention.

Exceptions to Your Right to Remain Silent

It’s important to note that there are some situations where you do not have a right to remain silent. These exceptions all occur in situations where law enforcement is not attempting to get you to incriminate yourself with your responses. Instead, they occur in all the following areas:

  • Traffic Stop Document Requests: You must comply if an officer pulls you over and asks for documents related to the legality of your driving status. Beyond this, though, you and anyone else in the vehicle have the right to remain silent.
  • Imminent Danger and Public Safety: In matters of potential imminent danger and public safety hazards, you must respond to law enforcement when questioned. For instance, if a suspect is arrested for a violent action and may have other dangerous hazards they know about, police can still question suspects (and still use this evidence in court) even if they elect the right to remain silent.
  • Routine Arrest Booking: After an arrest, you will be asked general questions like your full name, address, phone number, and others. Remaining silent here won’t gain you any advantages and will make your booking process more difficult.

Don’t Wait to Secure an Attorney

If you have been arrested and are facing criminal charges, it is paramount that you secure an attorney as soon as possible. They will help shield you from further incriminating yourself or misstepping during any interrogation process.

Don’t wait another moment to speak with an experienced Lakewood, CO attorney. Reach out today to learn more about your options.

By Peter Garin 22 Apr, 2024
Having a criminal record can have lasting consequences on your life, from impacting your ability to find employment to limiting housing options. Fortunately, in the state of Colorado, there is a legal process known as expungement that allows individuals to clear their criminal records under certain circumstances. However, navigating the expungement process can be complex and overwhelming. This is where an expungement attorney can help. In this blog post, we will discuss how an expungement attorney can assist you in clearing your record in Colorado. Understanding the Expungement Process: The first step in clearing your criminal record through expungement is understanding the process involved. An expungement attorney can explain the eligibility requirements for expungement in Colorado and guide you through the necessary steps to petition the court for relief. They can also help you gather any required documentation or evidence to support your case. Legal Expertise: Navigating the legal system on your own can be daunting, especially when it comes to something as important as clearing your criminal record. An expungement attorney has the legal expertise and experience necessary to effectively represent you throughout the expungement process. They understand the laws surrounding expungement in Colorado and can advocate on your behalf to ensure that your rights are protected. Personalized Guidance: Every case is unique, and what works for one individual may not work for another when it comes to seeking expungement. An expungement attorney can provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific situation. They will take the time to review all aspects of your case and develop a strategy that maximizes your chances of successfully clearing your record. Court Representation: If your petition for expungement goes before a judge, having an experienced attorney by your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. An expungement attorney will represent you in court proceedings, presenting evidence and arguments on your behalf to demonstrate why you deserve to have your criminal record cleared. Post-Expungement Support: Even after successfully clearing your criminal record through expungement, you may still have questions or concerns about how this will impact various aspects of your life moving forward. An expungement attorney can provide ongoing support and guidance as you navigate life with a clean slate, offering advice on how to disclose or handle inquiries about past convictions. Clearing your criminal record through expungement is a valuable opportunity that can open up new doors for employment, housing, education, and more. However, successfully navigating the complexities of the legal system requires expert assistance from an experienced attorney specializing in expungement cases. If you are a resident of Colorado seeking help with clearing your criminal record through expungement, do not hesitate to reach out to Peter A. Garin.
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Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, especially if you have children and valuable assets involved. Couples who have decided to file for divorce in Colorado must understand the critical factors that the court considers to handle the divorce case. Understanding these factors can prepare parties for what to expect and help them make informed decisions. In this blog post, we will discuss the essential factors that a Colorado court considers during a divorce proceeding.  1. Property Division One of the significant issues in any divorce proceeding is the splitting of property between the parties. During a divorce proceeding, the court will consider several factors to achieve an equitable distribution of property. The court considers the length of the marriage, the financial disposition of each party, and the overall value of the property or assets to be divided. 2. Child Custody When a couple with children files for divorce, the court must consider the welfare of the children involved, including their best interest. Colorado courts usually award joint custody unless one parent is deemed unfit to be a custodial parent. Other factors that the court considers include the emotional, social, and educational needs of the child and the wishes of the child (if they are mature enough). 3. Child Support In Colorado, child support is calculated based on the combined gross income of both parents, the number of minor children involved, and the amount of parenting time allotted to each parent. The court may also consider the child’s medical and educational expenses. Child support is designed to ensure that the child’s financial needs are adequately met. 4. Spousal Support Spousal support, also known as alimony, is financial support paid by one spouse to the other after the divorce is finalized. The court considers several factors when determining the amount and duration of spousal support, including the length of the marriage, the earning capacity of each spouse, and the standard of living established during the marriage. Spousal support is usually meant to be temporary to allow the lower-earning spouse time to become financially stable. 5. Mediation Mediation is an alternative to divorce litigation whereby the parties work with a mediator to reach an agreement on various divorce-related issues. Mediation can save time, money, and emotional stress for the parties involved. The parties can also retain more control over the outcome, as opposed to leaving it entirely in the hands of the court. Divorce is never easy for anyone involved, but it can be less complicated if both parties understand what to expect. By knowing the factors that Colorado courts consider during a divorce proceeding, you can better prepare yourself for the process and make informed decisions. Working with an experienced family law attorney can help you navigate the process and achieve the best possible outcome. If you are considering filing for divorce or are currently involved in a divorce proceeding, consult with an experienced attorney today.
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